Companies which wish to support our work for people in difficult housing situation are encouraged to make financial and material donations as well as provide services pro-bono.
Business supports Habitat for Humanity financially since its beginnings in Poland. It is the key method of financing our programs and projects. Companies usually contribute to a larger budget of a particular construction or renovation project. Most of the time projects are executed in partnership with organizations and municipalities. Also the beneficiaries provide financial input by repaying an interest-free loan from Habitat Poland. These funds then return to the so-called revolving fund, being then repurposed for other people and families.
Donations from business also support our educational and advocacy activities (e.g. reports on housing in Poland, seminars and debates etc.)
- Donation between 5 000 PLN and 30 000 PLN – might be used for renovation projects for families and individuals in difficult housing situation.
- Donation between 30 000 PLN and 50 000 PLN – might be used for renovation project in cooperation with an institution/organization supporting people in housing need e.g. attic repurposing into supportive housing for foster care alumni.
- Donation above 50 000 PLN, above 100 000 PLN or corporate/European grants of a higher amount and indicators might be used for construction projects, such as building a house for large families, building a neighborhood or advanced renovation projects.
The costs of construction and renovation are significantly decreased by donations, volunteering work, the Habitat team and the value of donated building materials.
- Donating free-of-charge products made or sold by a company e.g. building materials (e.g. bricks, paint), renovation tools (e.g. tools, cars), furnishing elements (e.g. windows, doors). The donation of this kind is inbuilt in the houses and apartments where Habitat Poland leads its projects.
- Donating products unqualified for selling e.g. new products (e.g. furniture, armature, household appliances) or damaged furniture requiring repair, things with expired warranty, post-exposition items which cannot be sold. The donation of this kind is transported to the non-profit store ReStore and profits from sales go to fulfilling the mission of Habitat Poland.
- Donating pro-bono services (e.g. transportation or storing).
All donations are passed to Habitat for Humanity Poland by signing a donation contract with the company.
Each time the donors receives thanks and promotion in social and traditional media as a socially responsible employer, as well as all business-related events.
Donors receive:
- Ability to volunteer at a site
- Ability to monitor the program results (e.g. visiting the site, volunteering)
- Cooperation report and evaluation
- Ability to contact the beneficiaries
Donations are fully used for the fulfillment of the mission of Habitat for Humanity Poland.
For more details related to making a donation and forms of cooperation, please contact the fundraising team of Habitat for Humanity Poland:
Barbara Caban
Fundraising Manager
office/fax: +48 22 642 57 42