Help in the construction of the Youth Center for the Artistic and Spiritual Development of the “Passion of Life” Foundation in Legionowo

In 2017 we are supporting the construction of the Youth Center for the Artistic and Spiritual Development of the “Passion of Life” Foundation in Legionowo (near Warsaw). The goal of the project is to build a center that will play a dual role: on the one hand, provide temporary housing to young people who have completed substance misuse treatment and, on the other hand, run substance misuse prevention programs for youth.

The center will be composed of a hostel and a functional area which will include: therapy offices and spaces for developing talents and interests. The spaces will include, among others: a gym, a recording studio, and a computer lab. Young people who have completed substance misuse treatment will live in the hostel and with the help of specialists will prepare for independent living. One feature that will help them return to the society is that the functional area will be open to the public. As a result, they will have opportunities to meet other young people to whom the “Passion of Life” Foundation will direct its substance misuse prevention programs.

How do we help?

As part of our cooperation with the “Passion of Life” Foundation, we help in the construction works together with our volunteers. The volunteers work under the supervision of skilled builders and perform simple tasks, such as plastering or painting, which contribute to lowering the cost of construction.

During the volunteering events, our volunteers often work hand in hand with young people who are already under the care of the “Passion of Life” Foundation and who are to become the residents of the hostel. These meetings complement the future residents’ therapy and social reintegration process.

We also help the “Passion of Life” Foundation financially as we have provided it with an interest-free loan for covering the costs of work that cannot be carried out by volunteers.

Who do we help? (about the “Passion of Life” Foundation)

The main purpose of the “Passion of Life” Foundation is to prevent substance misuse and promote a healthy lifestyle among the youth in Poland. The Foundation helps young people who suffer from substance misuse through therapy and social reintegration programs. In addition to that, it runs  substance misuse prevention programs for youth. In order to achieve these objectives more effectively, the Foundation started the construction of the Youth Center for the Artistic and Spiritual Development in Legionowo.

The idea to construct the center came from Sister Jolanta Glapka, the President of the “Passion of Life” Foundation and a Sister of the Sacre Coeur Assembly. For 16 years she has been working with young people suffering from substance misuse in the treatment center in Anielin. She is an experienced psychologist and therapist: she completed her psychology studies at the University of Wrocław, helped to establish educational and vocational centers in Jelenia Góra and Szklarska Poręba, introduced new methods to substance misuse therapy, such as workshops on forgiveness, bibliodrama, psychodrama, art therapy, and body work.

More information about the “Passion of Life” Foundation can be found at:

Details of the project:

since March 2017

Legionowo (near Warsaw)
