Renovation of the St. Brother Albert Shelter for Homeless Men in Wroclaw with Credit Suisse

On 24th March 2017, we painted 3 rooms in the St. Brother Albert Shelter for Homeless Men in Wroclaw together with 16 volunteers from the Wroclaw Credit Suisse office. It was part of a renovation project through which we support the St. Brother Albert Aid Society, a charity organization which runs shelters for homeless people.

With the help of the volunteers, we improved the living conditions for about 120 men who stay in the shelter.

The works were performed under the supervision of our new construction coordinator, Zbyszek Krotowski. Zbyszek previously worked only with experienced construction workers and this is what he said about his cooperation with volunteers:

The works in the St. Brother Albert Shelter for Homeless Men in Wroclaw were my first professional experience with volunteers. I must admit that I didn’t expect such an involvement from young bankers. The works were performed in difficult conditions. Even though the time for performing preparatory, repair, painting and cleaning works was limited, the bankers did a great job. It was a pleasure to meet them.

The volunteering event was also a positive experience for Credit Suisse volunteers who filled in anonymous evaluation surveys at the end of the day. They assessed their satisfaction level as above 97% . When asked about what they liked the most, they pointed out at the following:

  • Cooperation and involvement of the team in helping others
  • Construction guidelines from Zbyszek
  • Wall priming lesson
  • Helping in a good atmosphere
  • Good memories when it comes to teamwork and helping others

More information on support provided by Habitat Poland to St. Brother Albert Shelters can be found in the project description: Renovation of the St. Brother Albert Shelter for Homeless Men in Wrocław.
