Frequently asked questions


We have gathered answers to the most frequently asked questions about Habitat for Humanity.


Who does Habitat for Humanity help?

We help underprivileged individuals in difficult housing situation. That means people who do not have a place to live or those, who live in unsuitable conditions.


How does Habitat for Humanity find individuals, whom it help?

In most cases people in difficult housing situations apply to Habitat by themselves. They learn about us from family members, friends or social workers.


What arises from the fact that Habitat for Humanity is a Christian organisation?

Our projects are application of Christian values, translating the love of God into action. However, we are not associated with any particular Church and we do not exclude non-believers. Faith is not taken into account when choosing the people we help, volunteers or employees – everyone, who shares a vision of the world in which all deserve a decent place to live can participate in Habitat’s projects.


Does Habitat for Humanity hand out houses and apartments?

No, because the people we help are not merely passive receivers of our help, but our partners. As a part of this partnership they actively cooperate with to improve their housing situation. They participate in construction works and provide a financial input in the project by paying back an interest-free loan that we grant them, which amount and payback time are adjusted to their financial capabilities. Money from the loans is then transferred into the so-called Revolving Fund and is later used for aiding other people.


How are Habitat for Humanity’s projects funded?

We start new construction and renovation projects thanks to:

  • Donations received from companies, individuals and other organisations, which are a part of the Habitat of Humanity network
  • Revolving Fund, where there are resources from loans repaid by people we have already helped


In the case of innovations, education and actions for structural change we seek additional funding through grants. Currently, we work on projects funded by the European Commission and the European Climate Foundation.

We run a non-profit store ReStore, whose income is entirely dedicated to our core activities and will allow us to increase the scale of our help. Find out more by clicking ReStore.’